Black Chinese Tattooed Pig's Ear
The first installment of my diary entry of semi-automatic writing. Motifs include percentages, Gaza, and the current affairs live from the Ring Doorbell ProXL2 surveillance state.
Nota bene-Gesserit: I said semi-automatic because I’m still writing diaristically thereby confining ever so slightly. And the photos. I attempted to use ChatGPT to transcribe my handwriting and it failed spectacularly. However, and spectacular in its own right, it also included sources. I hovered over their preview buttonlettes, and lo it was not transcription or OCR software, but instead other photos-of-handwritten-journal-entries-uploaded-to-internet. This is the first one’s image, from the site (not e. coli but harkening to Rome) from a thread entitled
and where I got inspiration for the title. Talk about hypertext!
What a curious thing to think that I, a citizen from the center of the maw of the Slave-Prison-Labor Ring-doorbell necropolitical surveillance state, just watched an hour long video-compilation of police either arresting or being arrested, captured by their or their coworkers Body Cameras, in either case giving another spoonful to the bebe system (macro- and hydro-encephalic) which (fussing, drooling, now shrieking) requires bodily input to function à la Nietzschean “creaking machine of intellect” which is to say that you can get a 6 pack of boxers (sewn by lady who was gravely mistakenly curt with an officer in Marietta, Georgia, US) from the DOLLARTREE for 5 dollars.
(MONEY does grow on TREES! A fact They don’t want you to know. Unless… bills do feel different than paper… maybe they’re spun by some worm… The Chinese and Roman Empire communicated and traded (unidirectionally re trading From China to The Empire) for their silks, until they hired essentially a silk-worm spy to figure out how to produce it DOMESTICally, bc the ÉLITES used silk clothing to telegraph their wealth, money grows from worms then…)
Or consider even curiouserly that I’m going to Paris next weekend and were I to double the flight time|distance could land instead at Ben Affleck Gurion Airport then scurry through utopia down to the STRIP of Gaza and take Instagram photos on same platform where I’ll see, say, a Dolly Parton interview, an ad for Finasteride, a man carrying two bags—whose contents are his former 6 year old’s—the body which was blown into bits that he then laboriously picked up, Amy Schumer being named for Woman of the Year by Variety, and a screenshot of a Tumblr post about Starbucks & Zoroastrianism (actually). Said son’s body fragmented by ordinance that 32% of my Pre-Labor Credits go towards, and yet only making up 0.00032% of the cost as each one is 2.3 million USD.
Hey, I’m 32! The year before the year Jesus was when he pseudo-died. Pseudo logically following from that he didn’t really (?) (not in 2 bags) and because I am a believer in panpsychism (actually).
It could make up an even smaller percentage of the ordinance if you BOGO one at Lockheed Martin’s brick & mortar & pestle in the South-South-West Village. I will sadly not be able to swing by for the cocktail hour having just realized when logging in (fingerprint) to my Laborless Payment Portal that I used up all 4 days afforded, having unknowingly (stupidly!) spent my last 10 credits on a dog treat. That is to say, dog-treat-wisedly, a psuedo-pristine FACTORY produced sow’s ear, psuedo becuase it garishly shone her IDENTIFICATION ID [768MEPO
] tattooed on her ear at age equivalency of pre-teen going to the Claire’s behind the Staples to get her first ear Staple.
The other day I saw a missive stating that “Idk I just got my clit pierced at Clarie’s!” in response to querent’s question “who’s doing BOGO lobotomies this Fall" at Shop To Remember [Psuedo-]Village off exit 32 on I-475 behind the Whispering Thrush Apartment compounds.
Gaza Cruise Lines, home port Deir Al-Balah on Haroan Al-Rasheed Road behind the Tayaat Noor Masjid, headquartered 13km south-south-west in Swedish Village near Rafah (not the Egyptian one with same name on barnacled immediately on other side of border) which mapping software so kindly borders solidly instead of the contested / non-recognized STATES’ dashed borders. And pretty soon you’ll be able to rent BOGOly a bungalo on AirBungalo whose construction and whose speculative advertising 10x8” glossy mailers were still imbued with printer-warmth (and smelling accordingly, dust-on-a-lightbulbly) when my partially paid for ordinance was still descending from sky.
A toddler eliminated its bowel in the swim-up bar pool #3 on 2nd deck thereby necessitating a visit from the BIOHAZARD TEAM and the draining protocol.
Before we go, the aforementioned bomb’s impact with hysterical, vaginal earth, is all courtesy of Israë—wait, courtesy of us—wait c/o U.S. That’s what STRAEGIC ALLIES are for after all! Xo.
Take my breath away.
I wonder, if in the 13.2.15-patch-9 substack algorithm, if commenting on your own posts, not in response to anyone, but as a means to instill some hope in the idea that you will one day meet a buncha ppl from it IRL/URL-ically, you will have spread throughout the writerly web here spun as a Xenolorpi haxinthiæ evolves when spider food is in abundance, and also that maybe you will have enough pledges to idk, be able to have a part time job some day!
Or... "to be" a writer. Imagine.